
Delivery FAQs


Delivery of the order

Delivery partner
Our delivery partner is UPS.

Can I change the delivery address of an order?
Yes, you can change the delivery address until your order’s status is confirmed but not afterwards (i.e. before your order enters the packing process and its status changes to In packing).

Can I send an order to my work address?
Yes. You can use separate delivery and billing addresses.

How can I see if the order has been shipped?
In order to view which orders have been shipped, go to your account and open MY ORDERS.

Can I track my order?
You will receive an email with a Track & Trace link as soon as your order is shipped. Simply click on the link to track your order.

Delivery modes, costs

The following delivery costs will be used:
- For orders above 15 GBP: free delivery
- Others: 5 GBP

Delivery times

We provide estimated shipping dates. Exact timelines depend on product availability. In general, it takes between 1 to 3 weeks for products that are in stock.
You can track your orders using the Track & Trace link that will be sent to you in an email as soon as your delivery is shipped.

Delivery outside the country

International deliveries are not permitted. Orders can only be delivered to addresses located in the same country as the Nikon Store you are ordering from.



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